Before you start running around the site haphazardly pulling and push things into boxes we at Royal make the process of packing and moving smooth for you through our thoroughly revised list of tips for handling, packing and storing of your goods. We through our experience give you these tips for you to avoid beginner mistakes and regretfully leave behind or damage goods in the process of relocating. It is essential to follow these guidelines to brig ease in your shifting process and also make the transition comfortable.
Decide on your moving company in advance and after grave research on their performance.
Purchase insurance coverage without fail on all movables.
Keep a through inventory list of all items you pack and move.
If storage is a criterion opt for a clean and secure warehousing facility.
Keep a file on all movables and document every product.
Pack items of need last so they will be available first on opening.
Excessively unnecessary items should be done away with to reduce the bulk and packing hassle.
Pack fragile items in bubble wraps and keep them separate from other boxes.
Use boxes of proportionate sizes for items and avoid over stuffing in any case.
Plates and record albums should be packed on end vertically, rather than placed flat and stacked.
Glass frames and paintings should be swaddled in sheets to avoid scratches.
Make sure all boxes are labeled and color coded to avoid confusion while rearranging.
Keep item list handy to cross check your movables.
Check and recheck facility for things left behind and valuables which may be left due to negligence.
Keep movers updated about your contacts and also give precise address to relocation site for their referrals.
Make getting in touch with your or associates easy for the movers to avoid delays and confusions at the site of relocation.
Household moving may require you to pack a separate box of essentials including immediately required essentials like toilet paper, telephone, toothpaste and brushes, snacks, coffee and coffee pot, soap, flashlight, screwdriver, pliers, can opener, paper plates, cups and utensils, a couple of pans, and paper towels.
Leave the rest to the professional movers and look forward at a new life and an amazing experience.